For PC residents only: communities gathering in your Common House Sunday

Phoenix Commons Members:
It's high time for area cohousing members to get back together in person to share the joys and challenges of living in and running our communities. So, as a continuation of the quarterly regional cohousing resident gatherings we were doing before COVID interrupted the fun, we bring you the following invitation - thanks to Jyoti and others there being willing to host.
This page is particularly for just PC residents - the public invite is on a different page and only certified cohousers/coopers get to see the location.
When: Sunday, July 7, from 11 AM til 2 PM (with optional tours/bagels beforehand, and optional boat rides after)
   Doors open at 10:15; come by 10:30 AM for bagels, coffee, and tours, by 11 AM for the start. We will wrap by 2 PM and then follow up with optional boat tours by prepaid reservation.
Lunch: Included, free, made by area cohousers (BYOB or desserts/side dishes)
Reservations: Essential, RSVP on this page
Location: Your Common House.
COVID safety: If you have any symptoms or potential exposure, please stay at home. We will practice social distancing in our gatherings and spend some of our time outside, weather allowing.
We'll gather and tour the community and re-introduce each other and share what's going on in our home communities and what we've figured out and what we could use help with, in full group and breakouts by topic, based on what's hot and relevant and popular.
The event is free of course for you but also for the visitors, but the boat tour will only happen with enough pre-paid reservations for that part.
Questions? Call/text Jyoti.
We're looking forward to seeing you all again soon with the shortest commute ever.
  • July 07, 2024 at 10:15am – 3:15pm
  • Your Common House
    Oakland, CA
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 15 people are going
  • East Bay Cohousing

Kate Murphy Angela Hunkler Jyoti Rae

Will you come?