Pleasant Hill Cohousing monthly virtual tour 1/5 Sunday

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Cooperative Community Living:Cohousing, EcoVillages and more

Join us in co-creating cooperative community living opportunities in Berkeley, Oakland, Emeryville, and beyond.ebcoho_calcoho_houses_square.png

We’re all about advocacy, organizing, education, and connection.

We’re going from the world’s largest intentional communities MeetUp Group to an inclusive, networked force for good.

Cohousing Coaches Betsy Morris and Raines Cohen on the lawn at Berkeley CohousingWe’re led by Cohousing Coaches (Betsy Morris & Raines Cohen, left) becoming EcoVillage Ambassadors, partnering with community organizers and advocates locally, regionally, and nationally to help people find and build shared homes and shared neighborhoods that help us all become more resilient.

We’re supported by your memberships and event fees.

We’re part of the Cohousing California network of regional groups.

Regular events:

  • Monthly Zoom tours: Cohousing in Pleasant Hill (intergenerational) and Oakland (senior cohousing) welcome virtual visitors.
  • Monthly workdays: Kingfisher Cohousing in Oakland welcomes potential members to come garden and dine together.