National Cohousing Re-opening zoom call


A Nationwide Re-Opening

Re-opening is happening both suddenly and gradually. It is both joyful and challenging. It involves discussions and decisions, new protocols and a return to old habits. In the midst of all that, we are proposing a day of celebration. We’re inviting communities to use that day to celebrate, play, enjoy each other, and share the experience with us through photos and a short show-and-tell zoom call at 4pm Pacific, 7pm Eastern. 

Connect Across the Country

Join us for a zoom call at 4pm Pacific, 7pm Eastern. We’ll wrap up the day with sharing of our celebrations and experiences around reopening. You’ll have a chance to network with other communities and share ideas for everything related to re-opening.  Zoom link is

Bob Leigh Jon Pin Louise gwen Ng Jonathan Skurnik Lily

Will you come?